Recipe Book
RSCC is delighted to present a German-American Recipe Book. This was a joint COVID-pandemic project with DAGRP (our Pinneberg Sister City org.) to share foods that bring us comfort during our pandemic shut-in and separation, a virtual way to continue our cultural exchange. Dir. Allison Chang led this project and edited the recipe book. She did outstanding work, professional quality.
The cookbook is being released electronically. [Note, the prior passwording has been removed for general release.]
Link to download this recipe book
Issue #2 [This is ~6 mg. file.]
The book contains 61 recipes (101 pages), with chapters featuring entrees, sides, desserts and drinks. RSCC recipes in English and DAGRP recipes in original German with translation. We thank the DAGRP for their delightful and bountiful contributions. A selection of recipes:
- Zwiebelkuchen Onion Cake
- Maryland-style Crab Cakes
- Miesmuscheln im Weissweinsud Mussels in White Wine
- Cornell Chicken
- Rinderouladen Beef Roulade
- Eingelegte Zucchini Pickled Zucchini
- Summer Coleslaw
- Kartoffelpuffer Potato Pancakes
- Quarkpudding
- Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake
- Apple Pie Whiskey
- Eierlikoer Eggnog

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